[ONLINE] University of Aveiro, Portugal

October 21, 22 and 23 2020


DAY 1 – October 21st, 2020

13h30 – Opening and launch of the book “Género e Performance – Textos Essenciais 3”;

Feminisms in academia and activism: possible encounters?
Kassandra Muniz; Leopoldina Fekayamãle.
Moderator: Larissa Latif

15h30 – 16h30 – Break

16h30 – Parallel sessions I

Room A
Art and Political Instability – The Search for Identity in the Performative Art of Ana Mendieta and Coco Fusco
Anna Clara Petracca.

Tearing Bodies: Woman and Fiction in The Work of Maria Lysia Corrêa de Araújo
Heleniara Amorim Moura.

– Mulheres na música – sinais de género em filme de videoclipe musical
Maria Joana Alves Pereira; Jacinta Bola; Maria Manuel Baptista.

A Study on the Women’s Writing Club through Participant Observation
Tatiana Carolina Lazzarotto; Luís Paulo De Carvalho Piassi.

Room B
Analysis of gender conceptions in the Physics Degree courses in Campos dos Goytacazes
Giancarlo Gevu Dos Santos; Maria Priscila Pessanha De Castro; Elis De Araújo Miranda.

Gender Performativities in the School Context: the Curriculum in Dialogue with Student Experiences with Leisure
Marie Luce Tavares; Hélder Ferreira Isayama.

– “être enculé par le socius, désirer être enculé par le socius”: Dya-Dorina-Monstra em “Grande Sertão: Veredas”
André Feitosa de Sousa; Berta Lúcia Neves Ponte; Edicleison De Freitas Cardoso.

Room C
– Histórias de Quando o Mundo Acabou
Rodolfo Pereira.

A meta-synthesis on the concept of hegemonic masculinity used as a resource for the study of male sexual behaviors
Rita Grave; Teresa Teixeira; Pedro Teixeira; António Marques; Conceição Nogueira.

Performed Masculinities: Survey with the São Paulo Bear Community
Alexandre Rodolfo Alves de Almeida; Maria Manuel Baptista

17h30 – 17h45 – Break

17h45 – Parallel sessions II

Room A
– Visagenta
Iara Souza; Vandiléia Foro.

The Gospel According To Jesus Queen Of Heaven: a study on the theatrical event and travesti gender representation on Brazilian stages 
Amanda Carneiro Figueredo.

Insurgent Poetics and Micropolitics in the Brazilian Amazon: the aberrant scene of Themônias drags
Larissa Latif.

Room B
Curriculum and Gender: Construction of Youth Masculinities in the School Context
Marie Luce Tavares; Adriano Gonçalves da Silva; Ulisses Expedito Pereira Teodoro Das Dores; Arthur Cardoso Lana.

Banca da Ciência and the Crossing of Cultural Diversity
Cathia Alves; Catarina Michelone.

Physical Exercise Practice and Empowerment of Elderly Women: A Systematic Review
Érica Montefusco; Francisco Welligton Barbosa Junior; José Clerton Martins.

Room C
Unfolding of Bodies in the Construction of the Countersexual Society
Bruno Alcione Novadvorski Scheeren; Chris, The Red.

Sexual Fluidity and Masculinities: Intersections, Discourses, and Practices
Rita Grave; António Marques; Conceição Nogueira.

– Projeto-Projétil Inúmeras – Cyborgas: corpas trans que sobrevivem ao Fim do Mundo
Levi Muniz.

18h45 – 19h00 – Break

Queer Cyberactivisms: contexts and resistance strategies
Deicilene Gomes; Dimitra Vulcana.
Moderator: Marta Leitão

DAY 2 – October 22nd, 2020

Political poetics: resistance and insurrection
Lila Fadista & João Caçador – Fado Bicha; Yara Monteiro.
Moderator: Iara Souza

15h30 – 16h30 – Break

16h30 – Parallel sessions III

Room A
– Josita Hernán e a performance da mascara da feminidade no período franquista
Samantha da Silva Diefenthaeler.

The “Vampire-Image”: An Analysis Tool of Manipulation and Violence in Spain
Daniel Berjano.

The inclusion of feminism in journalism during the dictatorship periods in Spain and Portugal
Carla Cerqueira; Dunia Etura.

Room B
Encruzada: Knowhow Transfer Starting from the Fertile Zone of Coexistence Between Worlds and Cultures in Poetic Quality
Thaís Azevedo; Igor Boechat; Bruno Lorenzi.

Lutheranism Gaucho in Southern Brazil: an understanding of gender from the female ecclesiastical constitution
Joyce Aparecida Pires.

From Ciata d’Oxum to Dora d’Oyá: Women on the Frontline of Samba and Candomblé
Maíra Brito.

Room C
Performing Gendered Power: Media Discourses about Angela Merkel in Times of Crisis
Rita Himmel; Maria Manuel Baptista.

Performativity in Hysteria: A Depathologizing Look
Helena Volani.

17h30 – 17h45 – Break

17h45 – Parallel sessions IV

Room A
“Gender Ideology” in Journalistic Coverage in Brazil and Portugal: Comparing Discursive Political Disputes 
Juliana Inez Luiz De Souza; Carla Cerqueira; Nelson Rosário De Souza; Daniela Drummond.

Institutional advertising and its media repercussion: an analysis of advertising campaigns in the fight against domestic violence
Elayne Nogueira; Ana Sani; Elsa Simões.

– É tudo chacota? Uma análise sobre a representação do homem negro nas figurinhas de WhatsApp no Brasil
Gabriela Pereira.

The Power Discourses in Travel Blogs by Women
Fernanda de Castro; Maria Manuel Baptista.

Room B
– O nome que o corpo dá
Amanda Carneiro Figueredo; Rodolfo Pereira.

Dissident Parenting: Care Provided by Trans* Men in Brazil and Portugal
Milena Do Carmo.

Between Oppression and Affirmation in the (In)Conformity of a Threatened Democracy: Notions and Experiences of LGBT Families
Mónica Carneiro.

Room C
– Um Corpo Para Dandara – Denúncias de transfeminicídio no Brasil por meio de Programas Performativos
Levi Muniz.

Media and Biopolitics: A case study on Verônica Bolina
Eduardo Yuji Yamamoto.

Gender and Age: conceptual de/re/constructions for a Critical Psychological Practice
Teresa Teixeira; Nuno Santos Carneiro; Conceição Nogueira.

“The Erased Gender”: The Exclusion of the Debate on Female Bodies in the School and its Consequences
Yasmin Dias Silva; Viviane Oliveira da Costa Bispo; Samara Ferreira Andrade.

18h45 – 19h00 – Break

Education, youth and political activisms
Rita Paulos; Sara Wagner York; Vinícius de Silva.
Moderator: Marie Tavares

DAY 3 – October 23rd, 2020

Gender and the protection of rights in democracy under threat
Ana Gomes, José Soeiro.
Modetaro: Aline Ferreira

15h30 – 16h00 – Break

16h00 – Parallel sessions V

Room A
Intersectionality and Orientalism: Towards A Chinese Decolonial Queer Perspective
Romão Matheus Neto; Regiane Ribeiro.

Halo’s Disposable Lives Meanings About the Muslim Hero of the Animated Series Young Justice: Outsiders
Leonardo Costa; Regiane Ribeiro.

The intersectional matrix of oppressions of trans people in Brazil and Portugal
Liliana Rodrigues; Nuno Santos Carneiro; Conceição Nogueira.

Room B

Prison as a Solution? – The Principles of Eco-Feminism Applied to The Social Reintegration of Women Detainees
Helena Ferreira.

Women and Work: a Conflictual Relation
Cláudia Bonalume.

Cultural Mapping and Counter-Cartography of Black Lesbianity in Lisbon – Portugal
Geanine Escobar; Maria Manuel Baptista.

– Performances possíveis na economia capitalista e ultraliberal
Alcina Fernandes; Maria Manuel Baptista.

Room C
– A Mulher e o Ralo
Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Gênero, Raça/Etnia e Sexualidade – NEPGRES.

Architecture, My Body Is Not Public: – Performance as a Record of Gender Disruption at “Escola do Porto”
Natália Fávero; Chloe Darmon; Mário Mesquita; Ana Arantes.

Knowledge and Senses of ‘Been, Being and Becoming’: Center of Culture and LGBT+ Reception in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
Rosely Cubo; Vera Basso; Paulo Antônio Igreja.

Autobiography of Affections and Cognitions: ‘To Be-To Flow’ LGBTQI+
Rosely Cubo; Vera Basso; Washington Baptista.

17h – 17h15 – Break

All workshops will be in Portuguese
Mandatory registration

17h15 – 18h45
Podcast – Aline Flor

17h15 – 18h45
Natureza feminina: das folhas ao corpo – NEPGRES e Coletivo Matricarias

17h30 – 18h30
Os Direitos Sexuais e Saúde Reprodutiva Das Mulheres Por Todo o Mundo – Mónica Carneiro

17h45 – 18h45
Pavimento Pélvico: amigo íntimo ou companheiro desconhecido? – Ana Pacheco

Political repression and resistance: women fighting for democracy
Laurinda Gouveia; Márcia Tiburi.
Moderator: Maria Manuel Baptista

20h15 – Closing session with presentation of RNEC and the Cultural Studies International Award – Virgínia Quaresma