Trans woman, travesti, teacher, researcher, father, grandmother, choreographer, hairdresser, makeup artist, pedagogue. Multiple and subversive. Holds a master’s degree from the Postgraduate Program in Education, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), in Brazil, with the dissertation entitled Tia, você é homem? Trans da/na Educação: Des(a)fiando “Cistemas” e Ocupando a Pós-Graduação [Miss, are you a man? Trans in/at Education: Challenging/Unraveling “Cistems” and Occupying Postgraduate Studies] in which she investigated the quota policies for transsexuals and travestis in Brazilian postgraduate programs.
Member of the Study Group on Gender, Sexuality and Intersectionalities in Education and Health, at UERJ. An activist for LGBTQI+ rights, she is also part of the National Association of Travestis and Transsexuals (Antra) in Brazil.
She was a volunteer at the British NGO Sahir House, in the United Kingdom, which works in actions to include refugees from the Middle East and Africa. In 2017, she was awarded the ALUMNI Medal from the Estácio de Sá University for her scientific work at the institution and for her work with the community.
She is co-editor of the book Corpos transgressores: políticas de resistência [Transgressing bodies: resistance policies]. She is also the author of chapters and scientific articles, focusing especially on transsexual and travesti experiences and their relationship with education. His research currently focuses on transsexual and intersex movements in the field of education and educational training.