[ONLINE] University of Aveiro, Portugal

October 21, 22 and 23 2020

Who is afraid of ‘gender ideology’?

Presentation of the 7th International Congress on Cultural Studies

Vinícius de Silva: guest speaker

Vinícius is a Political activist and a 4th year student of Environmental Control, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro…

Márcia Tiburi: guest speaker

Was born in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She graduated in philosophy and plastic arts, got a Master and a Doctorate in philosophy, and a Post-doctorate in arts…

Deicilene Gomes de Pina Gonçalves: guest speaker

She has being an activist for the causes of black and LGBTQI+ communities since the age of 18. She was born in Fogo Island, Cape Verde, where she currently lives. In May 2019, along with her friend and social movement partner Soraya Santos, she founded the Kabu Koloridu Collective, with the objective of making the LGBTQI + community of Cape Verde visible…

José Soeiro: guest speaker

Sociologist, activist and deputy to the Assembly of the Republic for the Left Block party. He graduated in Sociology at the Faculdade de Letras of Porto University, and completed his PhD at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, in the field of Sociology…

Kassandra Muniz: guest speaker

Born and raised in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil, Kassandra lives in the southeast region of the country for many years, mainly in...

Leopoldina Fekayamãle: guest speaker

Angolan, feminist and human rights activist, graduated in Portuguese language teaching by the Superior Institute of Educational Sciences of Huíla…

CIEC 7 will be online only

Read about the decision we have taken.