[ONLINE] University of Aveiro, Portugal

October 21, 22 and 23 2020

Autobiography of Affections and Cognitions: ‘To Be-To Flow’ LGBTQI+

Rosely Cubo 
Vera Chamas Basso 
Washington Baptista

In this article we discuss about the affective and cognitive perceptions of embodiment of consciousness based on research in the architectural project Centro de Cultura e Acolhimento LGBT+ (LGBT+ Culture and Sheltering Center) in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro. The arguments being developed, privilege the notion that, a human being is a part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us from our personal desires and affection for a few people nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and nature as a whole in its beauty (Albert Einstein). The Dinâmica Energética do Psiquismo (DEP) (Energetic Dynamics of the Psyche) presumes that every human can awake to the potential ‘Is’, ‘Become’ and ‘Flow’ in this existence. Since a grounding of praxis referred to vibrational energy fields that resonate-impregnate space-time experiences experienced, we bring the conceptual basis of exist-resist LGBTQI+ as an ‘updating’ of sexual identity in their diversity, plurality, equity and otherness lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, “queer”, intersex and many othersincorporations of homosexual experience; these aspects combined, we consider that coexistence, in a broad vision of transit between the individual and the collective, is representative of the connections of To Be with the Universal Consciousness Matrix (Planck, 1944; Braden, 2008; Capra and Píer, 2014; Basso and Pustilnik, 2000; Azevedo, 2020) in which everyone exists, uniting the intrinsic-extrinsic worlds and archetype reflecting the creations.Specifically, the key to the mirror of relationships be in recognize the ‘felt sensations’ in relation to the others for what they are and not for what the  environment conditions transform them (Braden, 2008); seeing the symmetry principle (Ramos, 2014) the contact between peoples, things and environments is evident by resonances or dissonances through the vibrations of the vibrational field (Basso and Pustilnik, 2000). In Quantum scope we deduce that the conceptions of resistance and resilience of the movements LGBTQI+ qualified as ‘Efeito-não-Local’ (Non-local Effect) (Ramos, 2014) promote meetings and build favorable scenarios for realization of collective projects and personal dreams; these multidimensional representations favor the neurobiological interaction resulting in experiences in the ways of think-feel-interact of the LGBTQI+ senses, that describes Butler (2001b) as a way of relation witch not gender or sexuality are exactly a possession but a mode of dispossessed, a way to be to the other and in virtue of the other. In the multidimensional integration of the existential human trajectory that transcends the neurobiological experience, the ‘gender-body’ (Basso and Pustilnik, 2000) can be represents in transcultural and multidisciplinary studies, by unveiled knowledges from the Arts; in Architectural Space for interaction between formal-planned structures and informal self-generating networks in sense of to be LGBTQI+ can support through the auto poetics and autopoiesis (Capra and Píer, 2014) the idealization of  edification projectCentro de Cultura e Acolhimento LGBT+ (LGBT+ Culture and Sheltering Center) in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro (Baptista and Igreja, 2019). So, this study represents the aesthetic idleness as an enjoyment of the arts making reality a satisfying experience  (Arroyabe, 2010) and the the tactility of architectural references as a subtle and clear spatial concentration with no intention to separate the interior and the exterior (Ando, 2010) that transpose vision barriers single-dimensions to intersexualities (Capra and Luisi, 2014) that basis the conquest of LGBTQI+ space.

Keywords: Gender; Sexuality; Equity-Otherness; Body-Consciousness-Manifestation; Art-Autobiography.