Thaís Azevedo
Bruno Lorenzi
Igor Boechat
This article presents a structured discussion network based on the analysis of some symbolic aspects of the audiovisual production entitled Encruzada, which works with the conception of a body-cosmos, fundamental in Germaine Acogny’s Modern African Dance and in the corporeality present in Capoeira Angola (Cortiço do Abelha), the result of the characteristic crossroads of Third World cultures. This analysis articulates the conceptual field of Cultural Studies, namely, the crossing of identity issues of gender, race, performance, coloniality and knowledge-power. The concept of cross here encompasses border areas from the notion of body, mind, soul as well as artistic works from the field of theater, dance, music, for example, which have their materialization in an integrated and not watertight way, in dialogue with their social, cultural, economic and political contexts in a real relationship with otherness and with the sensitive universe.
Keywords: Body; Crossroad; Performance; Coloniality; Power.